Resource Associates Teambuilding

    Resource Associates Teambuilding

RI Executive Coaching

Focuses on Leadership and Teams
RI coaches work with business owners, entrepreneurs, middle level managers and C-level executives who typically possess extensive technical skill and industry experience but have not received compensating training in leadership or best practices for developing cohesive functional teams.

Emphasizes Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Accountability
RI coaches provide certified methodologies together with proprietary models and techniques to strengthen the abilities of leaders to:
  • Increase self-awareness and self-management, using Birkman Profile, DiSC Personality Profiles, and MBTI feedback and 360's,
  • Encourage collaboration while maintaining authority, using delegation, performance management and decision making methods,
  • Engage co-workers to:
    • Create buy-in
    • Build commitment
    • Mitigate resistance
    • Manage concerns and fears
    • Strengthen compliance
  • Facilitate a culture of cross-functional shared accountability,
  • Improve communication and conflict resolution skills,
  • Develop teams in which productive conflict, clarity and commitment, and shared accountability lead to expected business results.

Dennis Peterson, President
Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc
More comments by Dennis Peterson.

Sue Burnett, CEO
Burnett Staffing
More comments by Sue Burnett.

Doreen Wise, CEO
Medical Research Consultants
More comments by Doreen Wise.

Coach The Player In The Game
RI integrates a leader's team members and supervisor in his or her coaching process to assess needs, target performance goals, and "see the player in the game" in order to provide relevant, realistic and real-time feedback.

Incorporate Multiple Coaches
Multiple coaches are made available to work with a client in order to provide different areas of expertise, according to the client's needs.

Use a Customized Coaching Web Portal
RI creates a contact web page customized with your company logo for executives who are being given the opportunity of working with one of RI's professional coaches at: Sample Customizable Coaching Web Page

RI Approach to Resolve a Situation or Change A Behavior

    Resolve A Situation
    Sometimes a leader can benefit from a fresh and objective perspective when facing a challenging situation, which typically requires less time than challenges that require a long-term change in behaviors. Situational challenges can be met by training and short term coaching.

    Change a Behavior
    Behavioral challenges require some form of extended coaching. As more time is invested over an extended period, learning becomes more integrated with behavior so that real and lasting changes are made and measurable results achieved.
Customize To Fit
However, each individual employee's needs are different, so each coaching relationship needs to be customized to produce the best results. The following options provide a basis from which RI's approach can provide the best coaching support.

A. Individual Half-day Situational Coaching Package
    Some times circumstances are so acute they require the most support in the shortest period of time done at the earliest possible moment. For employees who are having difficulty dealing with a specific situation and are in need of the best perspective on how to approach that situation in the most efficient way possible, RI's individual half-day training session meets the need. After completing a pre-session Internet accessed Coaching Survey, reached by going to the web page listed above, the employee attends a single, individually focused, four-hour training session conducted by one of RI's professional coaches to present, discuss and practice skills targeted to support their professional development, i.e., enhance their interpersonal communication skills. While training is not the same as coaching, an individual half-day session will impart useful concepts, insights and techniques while giving the individual employee valuable one-on-one advice from a trained coach on how to apply new skills and measure the results.
B. Situational Coaching Package (8hrs over 4-6 weeks)
    When the coaching focus is on how the employee can best handle a challenging situation, it is extremely valuable to provide the employee with an opportunity to meet with their coach, practice what they have learned "on the job" and meet again with their coach for review and improvement. A few repetitions of this cycle support the increased application of the concepts and techniques learned exponentially. This process provides the greatest impact for situational challenges.

    1. Pre-session Internet accessed Coaching Survey
    2. Two two-hour coaching/training sessions (in person)
    3. Four one-hour follow up coaching sessions (phone)
    4. Coaching Support Materials Optional (see below)
C. Behavioral Coaching Package (16hrs over 3 months)
    When an employee's success in improving their behavior is an important factor in the success of the organization, either in avoiding litigation or in documenting the support that is being provided to support the employee to be successful, or to respond to a pro-active request by the employee for professional growth options, a more thorough approach to coaching is recommended. People can hear information in a training or a few sessions with a coach, even be sincerely inspired and motivated to incorporate what they have learned. But putting it into practice in a way that alters their behavior is more difficult. Such change often requires more preparation, practice, feedback, and ongoing corrections. A more extended series of coaching sessions, than what is required for a situational challenge, provides a valued employee or supervisor with a sense of the necessity for and value of their success. The employee is given a span of three months to demonstrate consistent and dependable improvements.

    Such success is more likely accomplished with repeating opportunities to practice in between coaching sessions, when there is time to learn from both failure and success, as well as on-going opportunities for needed adjustments and feedback from the coach.

    1. Pre-session Internet accessed Coaching Survey
    2. Four two-hour coaching sessions/ (1x-2x week - in person)
    3. Four weekly one-hour coaching sessions (1x-2x week - phone)
    4. Four bi-weekly coaching sessions (phone)
    5. All coaching support materials are provided.

    Coaching Support Materials

    1. Initial confidential online survey
    2. Pre-post Online instrument on chosen topical emphasis
         (leadership, communication, assertiveness, conflict resolution, stress etc.)
    3. Web-based training: High Impact Communication (3 modules)
    4. Web-based training introduction: Successful Managing the Stress of Change (1 module)
    5. Appropriate handouts
    6. The Martial Art of Communication online audio presentation or CD
    7. Set of six reminder cards
D. Leadership and Team Development (3 to 6 months)
    When a history of conflict exists between a leader and his or her team a more powerful engagement of coaching is required. Changes in leadership, even desirable ones, are often met with suspicion and even sabotage by reports who often have developed a lack of trust in the good intentions of their superior. RI coaches have extensive experience being successful in such cases. Through a process of assessment and diagnosis, utilizing in-person confidential interviews and anonymous online surveys, RI helps develop trust with the leader and with their reports, a necessary step for the trust to be rebuilt within the team. Based upon the initial assessment, RI trains the leader and team members in:

    • Rebuilding trust through understanding and valuing differences inherent
      in the strengths and blind spots everyone possesses,
    • Developing the skill of productive ideological conflict,
    • Making agreements on balancing authority and collaboration in decision making and problem solving,
    • Achieving clarity and commitment to shared goals, and
    • More effectively producing desired results.
    RI integrates training into the ongoing work of the team. Through facilitated work sessions, the leader and team members experience utilizing and applying tools and techniques to resolve current work challenges. Coaching both leader and team in the process of work together is the most powerful method for producing desirable and long lasting change.